Torfox wrote:

Mark Proctor wrote:
It seems I have misunderstood the documentation-  the sequential mode

"Order the Rules by salience and position in the ruleset (by setting a
sequence attribute on the rule terminal node)."
Sequential mode first evaluates all of the LHS. Which results in a 
single conflict set. It then evaluates the conflict set in salience and 
rule order. Modifying values will not result in the LHS being
If you want the modification of facts in one rule to impact other rules, you need inference turned on.


rules-users mailing list


Great, thanks for the explanation. Does it mean, that sequential mode
shouldn't be used in a scenario, where particular rules modify facts in the
way that allows other rules to evaluate. Eg. rules 1-10 define "region"
value by matching zip-codes and rules 11-20 calculate premium based on the
"region" and customer's age. 
