Hi John,
Hi all,
I’m trying to get the sample code in the Drools 5.0.1 User Manual to work locally for a Knowledge Agent, but I’m missing some info (from my perspective) to get it to run.
Question #1:
From the User Manual (3.2.6):
KnowledgeAgent kagent =
KnowledgeAgentFactory.newKnowledgeAgent( "MyAgent" );
kagent.applyChangeSet( ResourceFactory.newUrlResource( url ) );
KnowledgeBase kbase = kagent.getKnowledgeBase();
In the third line, what is “url” and how is it defined in the java code? I don’t know what to set up here to make it work. I’ve found this same code on multiple sites, but no answer to the question.
Question #2:
How do I set up a Change Set XML file? I see the XML, but I don’t know where to put the file and how to link it into the code.
Question #3:
Does KnowledgeAgent replace RuleAgent for invoking Guvnor-deployed packages in 5.0.1? If so, how do you specify the url of the deployed package from Guvnor?
Sorry if my questions are ignorant. I’ve been trying to find these answers for several days and hit the point where I needed to get some help.
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