Thank you, it's working just fine. :)

You can try as follows , it does work for me. I used drools.version - 5.0.1

<!-- Drools & jBPM dependency -->       


2010/10/19 Tina Vießmann <>
Hi again,

maybe I should specify what exactly I want to do.

I'm developing a project in a team. We're using the eclipse IDE.
I would like to configure maven the way that it builds the eclipse project, downloads the drools library and adds the drools library to the projects build path.

I know how to download and add simple JARs to a project, but I don't know how to do it for drools.

Additionally I need to set up maven profiles for compiling and running the project independent from eclipse.

Thank you!

I would like to install drools for one of my projects using maven. (I've already ask the maven mailinglist. They said I shall ask here, because it's Drools related.)
I've set up the repository and the drools reference in my projects POM file.
      <id>Jboss Drools Nexus Repository</id>


I know the referenced repository directory contains no jar file, because I need the whole drools project. I thought the POM contained in the repository dir would manage that. Because I'm new to Maven, I don't know if I've configured something wrong or what's the trick. Running my project I get:
Validation Messages:
    [0]  'dependencies.dependency.version' is missing for org.drools:drools:jar

So how can I set drools as a project dependency?

Thank you for your help!
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