And, assuming it can be brought into memory, with an assumed average processing time of 1ms per fact, this would take 277 hours or 11 days. (If the result is the question that's answered by 42, it may be worth the wait, though  ;-)

On 8 September 2010 18:39, Greg Barton <> wrote:
Considering that just an Object array of 10 million Objects consumes 115MB of memory, I think loading 1 billion facts will be stretching the limits of the VM all by itself. (and that's java.lang.Object with no fields...)


On Sep 8, 2010, at 10:31, bellios <> wrote:

Hi all,
i have read the Documentation and the Drools book. I am developping an
application but i don't understand in my case how i can loading  a
1,000,000,000 facts (approx).
At present I load all facts into a StatefulKnowledgeSession with a for-
cycle and I insert them into ksession ("ksession.insert(customer);")

The problem is the out of memory exception due the high memory
requirements of facts.
How i can resolve it? There is another approach to
facts loading into session? Can i integrate the loading with JPA/Hibernate

Thanks in advance for any suggestion,

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