Hi Ansgar,
I'm a Netbeans/IntelliJ IDEA developer and I do my projects using Drools and contribute with Drools using those IDEs, it's not a limitation at all, would be nice to have autocompletion and a process designer, but at the end you end up writing DRL by hand and XML for the processes.

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 5:41 PM, Ansgar Konermann <ansgar.konermann@googlemail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm wondering whether there are any Drools users on this list using
IntelliJ IDEA to do their regular development work.

As you might know, there is currently no Drools support in IntelliJ
IDEA. However, it would be nice to have this support. Switching between
your Java / Groovy / Scala / whatever project in IDEA and your rules
project in a different tool is cumbersome. There must be one tool to
rule them all! :-)

There exists a feature request to add Drools support to one of the
future releases of IntelliJ IDEA.

Sadly, the feature request seems to have received only little attention
from the IDEA developers.

If you want to help out changing this, register a user account with the
IntelliJ issue tracking system [1] and vote for this feature request
[2]. Also feel free to add your comments or needs to the issue ticket.

I'd be glad if some of you vote for this ticket. Thanks.



[1] http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/registerUserForm
[2] http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/IDEA-24348

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- Salatino "Salaboy" Mauricio -