I found the problem. There was a duplicate rule name in another decision table.


When multiple decision tables or drl files are used, unique rule names must be specified because default rule names are likely generate duplicate names. Whenever a duplicate rule name occurs, the latter replaces the former.


From: rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org [mailto:rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of Wicks, J Matthew
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 4:17 PM
To: rules-users@lists.jboss.org
Subject: [rules-users] Expected rule not firing.


I am building my app’s rules from decision tables using Drools 4.0.7.

At one point, I expect a particular rule to fire but it never does. The rule originally was constrained to the presence of a POJO to store the results of the rule’s evaluation that is as yet not evaluated and a POJO that containing the data to be evaluated. While trying to diagnose why it never fires, I have reduced the constraints to the presence of the POJO results container. It still doesn’t fire.


Excerpts from the initialization and evaluation decision tables (compiled to DRL):

# Construct DecisionPoint container to hold results of evaluation

#From row number: 53

rule "Init Plus 5V PS Overtemp"


      salience 65484

      no-loop true

      ruleflow-group "Initialize Testpoint Groups"



            subtestName = "Fault Sum";

            ruleName = "Plus 5V PS Overtemp"; serviceProvider.create("DecisionPoint",ruleName);

            dsl.addDebugString("row called " + "IN_52");



# Record that  +5V PS Overtemp condition exists in DecisionPoint object

#From row number: 26

rule "Plus 5V PS Overtemp Set"


      salience 65510

      no-loop true

      ruleflow-group "PS Overtemp"


            outputDecision: DecisionPoint(name == "Plus 5V PS Overtemp")


            subtestName = "Fault Sum";

            ruleName = "Plus 5V PS Overtemp";

            ID = "PASSED";


outputDecision.setEvaluation(ruleName, ID);


            dsl.addDebugString("row called " + "DE_26");



Enabling listeners for working memory updates and ruleflow transitions, I see that the container is built and added to memory but is not found when the PS Overtemp ruleflow group is activated.


Sep 28, 2009 1:52:49 PM com.lmco.orts.equipmentFDFI.controller.rules.engine.RulesHelper contineStatefulRunWithMoreInputs

INFO: in  continue stateful run (obj). class com.lmco.orts.equipmentFDFI.controller.rules.data.DecisionPoint Plus 5V PS Overtemp EV_NOT_EVAL

Sep 28, 2009 1:52:49 PM com.lmco.orts.equipmentFDFI.controller.rules.data.DecisionPoint getPassed

INFO: [Plus 5V PS Overtemp] passed == false

Sep 28, 2009 1:52:49 PM com.lmco.orts.equipmentFDFI.controller.rules.engine.RulesHelper$2 objectInserted

INFO: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~workingmemory Inserted:  DecisionPoint: [Plus 5V PS Overtemp] EV_NOT_EVAL

row called IN_52



Sep 28, 2009 1:52:57 PM com.lmco.orts.equipmentFDFI.controller.rules.engine.RulesHelper$1 ruleFlowGroupActivated

INFO: RFG Activated: PS Overtemp

Sep 28, 2009 1:52:57 PM com.lmco.orts.equipmentFDFI.controller.rules.engine.RulesHelper$1 ruleFlowGroupDeactivated

INFO: RFG Deactivated: OT Fault Sum

Sep 28, 2009 1:52:57 PM com.lmco.orts.equipmentFDFI.controller.rules.engine.RulesHelper$1 ruleFlowGroupActivated

INFO: RFG Activated: Report Fault Sum Faults

Sep 28, 2009 1:52:57 PM com.lmco.orts.equipmentFDFI.controller.rules.engine.RulesHelper$1 ruleFlowGroupDeactivated

INFO: RFG Deactivated: PS Overtemp


It is probably something obvious, but I am so close to it that I can’t see the forest for the trees.

J. Matthew Wicks

(856) 359-1115