There is no provision for insetLogical in the guided decision table in Guvnor.
However it is a useful use-case and something not difficult to implement.
If you look at GIT's master repository I have added support for what you require.
It is likely to become part of 5.2.0.M2 (we're currently working on releasing 5.2.0.M1 at the moment).
With kind regards,
Hi all,
I am using Drools Guvnor to manage rules. Some of them are in the
form of decision tables. My rules highly rely on the knowledge
management (inserLogical) functionality. Is it possible to make web
based decision tables to generate insertLogical statements instead of
insert statements? In the GUI I can't find any option related to this.
Is there any way to do it or maybe some work around for this? Redesign
of rules to make them not dependent on insertLogical functionality
would make those rules much more complicated.
If there are no ways to do this (or workarounds for this), could
you point me to key places in the source code related to web based
decision table handling? I would try to implement this functionality
by myself. Or maybe this functionality was omitted intentionally? If
yes, what are the reasons for that?
Thanks in advance,
Karolis Petrauskas
rules-users mailing list