I suspect your use of lock-on-active.
Expert's documentation states: "Whenever ... an agenda-group receives the focus, any rule within that group that has lock-on-active set to true will not be activated any more; irrespective of the origin of the update, the activation of a matching rule is discarded". Both rules are in the default MAIN agenda group so when the first inserts a new Price the update to WM (insert in your case) is not visible to the other rule. Inserting a new Price before calling fireAllRules or commenting out the price constraint in the LHS alters the Facts\Patterns needing to be matched for activation to occur.
So, try removing lock-on-active (or making the two rules in different agenda groups).
With kind regards,
Hi all,
Since yesterday, I am having a problem with reading inserted objects from
memory. I don't know why it does not go as planned, because it should be
quite straightforward. It is getting boring to stare at the code, so maybe
one of you can detect an error.
There are 2 kinds of rules. One kind inserts price objects into working
memory (as in example 1). THe other kind detects whether the price exists
and adapts it to a product (as in example 2).
Example 1 seems to work, but the engine does not seem to recognize them as a
Price object. All original price attributes of the products remain unchanged
- I manually insert a Prce object before calling fireAllRules()
- Checking for an existing price is commented out in the LHS
Removing constraints from $price (just checking for existance of a price)
does not help.
Any idea what has been going wrong?
Thanks in advance.
==============Example 1=================
rule "Prices_17"
lock-on-active true
Price $price = new Price();
$price.setName("Blue autumn");
System.out.println("Price " + $price.getName() + " inserted");
=============Example of usage=========================
rule "Products_36"
lock-on-active true
$product: Product(colour == "Blue")
Season(season == Season.AUTUMN)
$price: Price(name == "Blue autumn")
System.out.println("Rule executed");
View this message in context: http://drools-java-rules-engine.46999.n3.nabble.com/Object-insertion-on-runtime-tp2650219p2650219.html
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