Oops, sorry, I clean overlooked the "live" in your post. Blind spot.

Sometimes, events aren't retracted because there's some rule that has an "infinite" backward reach in time. Are the retracted and the remaining events of the same type and flavour, e.g., by entry-point?

Old events disappearing after insertion after the service has been interrupted might be due to the engine running with a real-time clock. Any form of "playback" with inserted events being time-stamped back in the past should run a virtual clock. If your events are time-stamped by some other agent than the Engine itself, you can advance the virtual clock according to these timestamps - the clock will then, eventually, catch up with the clock of the time-stamping agent.


On 1 November 2011 18:28, Robert Crawford <crawford@kloognome.com> wrote:
My terms are likely incorrect, but:

Section Live Querries:

We have now complimented this with Live Querries, which has a listener
attached instead of returning an iterable result set. These live querries
stay open creating a view and publish change events for the contents of this
view. So now you can execute your query, with parameters and listen to
changes in the resulting view.

The listener is not being called for every event, as I'd expect it to be

View this message in context: http://drools.46999.n3.nabble.com/Live-Queries-and-Expired-Events-tp3469198p3471324.html
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