Well, in everyday life, a "duration" is what is between start and end. Here's the
trivial relation between the notation used in the temporal operators' docs and
the @nnotated fields in an event:

$x.startTimestamp == @timestamp
$x.endTimestamp == @timestamp + @duration

I think that the operator definitions are clear enough - do you have any particular problem?


On 10 March 2012 18:16, mind <gil.vegliach@gmail.com> wrote:
Ok, I guessed that, but how is the precise semantics of temporal operator
then? The docs uses a bizarre startTimestamp and endTimestamp that are not
defined anywhere. Do those relate to timestamp and duration? And how?


View this message in context: http://drools.46999.n3.nabble.com/Duration-attritube-and-Temporal-Operators-tp3810201p3815382.html
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