Can't you keep the reference to your object while firing the rules?

MyObject x = ...
ksession.insert( x );
boolean result = x.getBooleanAttribute();


2009/1/12 Costello, Robert <>
So, how do I access data after the rules fire?

If one has a rule which modifies a field on an object (a boolean, for
example), and you want to return the object after the rules are
complete, how do you do it?

I tried this using a StatefulKnowledgeSession, getting an object
collection after the rules fire, but I don't see that this works.

Also googled the heck out of this and looked in all the documentation.
I must be missing something, because the docs generally are pretty good.

Any hints?

Thanks in advance,

Robert Costello

rules-users mailing list

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 JBoss Drools Core Development
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