I can't say how it with 5.0.1, but you can do it with 5.1.1, if
- both DRLs are in the same package and
- the DRL with the declare is compiled before those that use it.


On 30 November 2010 21:34, Gerret Hansper <gerret.public@gmx.de> wrote:
Hi all,

does anybody know whether it's possible to reference a FactType declared
in one rule file from another one? I'm developing rules with Eclipse
(using Drools 5.0.1) and the rules are spread over a couple of .drl
files. It would be nice to be able to declare a FactType in one file,
have a rule insert instances of it into working memory and have another
rule in another file (but the same package) use it in its LHS.
I've tried various import statements but the compiler doesn't seem to be
able to resolve the reference.


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