Thanks for the answer Geoffrey. I know he has a point there hehe, I've been there before comming here. I also face lots of people asking thing without give a minimal search about the topic at another forum that i'm very active. I just expressed myself wrong. The main doubt werent about the tool itself, it was the tool inside the drools that i weren't understanding. But now makws sense, since the examples works with data provided by the xml at the data folder.

Thanks for your time

Em 31/01/2013 06:05, "Geoffrey De Smet" <> escreveu:
It's not related to Planner performance, it's for serializating a Solution dataset from/to XML with xstream (and Planner doesn't care how you do that).
If you're getting your data another way (say from a database with JPA or JDBC), then you can delete all the xstream annotations in the example domain models.

As far how it affects xstream's serialization performance, ask on the xstream mailing list. I don't think it does.
You can also use JAXB instead of xstream, if you're coming from/to XML.
(Internally Planner uses xstream too to parse the solver configuration file, but you needed care about that)

More info (Michael has a point - first link on google :)
Explains how XStreamAlias replaces "<com.thoughtworks.xstream.RendezvousMessage>" with "<message>"

Op 30-01-13 21:49, André Fróes schreef:

I wont answer about what you typed, because I always perform a good search over the interbet and documentation, as I did before asking here.  If you missunderstood the question, ask for something more well explained, that I would happily present you with another explanation. I'm no beginner at this (java), and now I'm trying to learn about drools. Since drools uses xml configuration but at the documentation, while completing the examples, I didn't saw  it be  mentioned, at least not strictly, and the planner also works without it mentioned at java objects. I want to know if it will enhance my application performance, since it enable easy convertion to/from xml. I hope that now my question's easier to understand.

My best regards.

Em 30/01/2013 17:50, "Michael Anstis" <> escreveu:
This day and age, when most people are presented with information with which they are unfamiliar they tend to turn, almost without exception, to the internet.

I, being like most people, typed "@XStreamAlias" into my favorite serach engine and was presented with an abundance of answers.

On 30 January 2013 19:18, André Fróes <> wrote:
What is this @XStreamAlias(...) that i see in mostly of example pojos? I did my pojos without it and worked the same way. Is it for performance?

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