Yes, you are missing an orm.xml file. Probably you are not including in your dependencies drools-process-task.

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 9:04 AM, HMandic <> wrote:

OK, I fixed that problem.

But now I have another one - I've set up persistence for processes (flow)
just like the documentation says, there are no problems with configuration
and hibernate created those 5 tables.
Then I start my test (in this case my custom class, no JUnit) I get this:

14:54:58,968  WARN Configuration:490 - cannot get this JVM unique ID. Make
sure it is configured and you only use ASCII characters. Will use IP address
instead (unsafe for production usage!).
14:54:59,015  WARN DiskJournal:136 - active log file is unclean, previous
server crash ?
14:54:59,250 ERROR SessionFactoryImpl:433 - Error in named query: TasksOwned
org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: Task is not mapped [select new
org.drools.task.query.TaskSummary(, names.text, subjects.text,
descriptions.text, t.taskData.status, t.priority, t.taskData.skipable,
t.taskData.actualOwner, t.taskData.createdBy, t.taskData.createdOn,
t.taskData.activationTime, t.taskData.expirationTime) from Task t left join
t.taskData.createdBy, I18NText names, I18NText subjects, I18NText
descriptions where = :userId and names in
elements( t.names) and names.language = :language and subjects in elements(
t.subjects) and subjects.language = :language and descriptions in elements(
t.descriptions) and descriptions.language = :language and
t.taskData.expirationTime is null]
       at org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.FromClause.addFromElement(


Any ideas?
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- Salatino "Salaboy" Mauricio -