Hello everyone,

Please allow me to briefly describe how our system works:

We use drools as an efficient matching layers - I have X rules, in the RHS of each rule I have a mark for each rule to signal that it has passed in the current context (There are by definition more then 1 contexts). After the first fireAllRules() has finished, and I have the data structure that allows me to query what rules have passed for each context I assert a "Marker" object, that allows Drools to continue filtering only for these contexts that I decide as valid to match attempts.

The end result, is that I have 2 fireAllRules called with some java code in between them.

In drools3 for 3 contexts I got the following resutls :

== Drools Section (Generic Call) : With default context settings, no HotSpot.
RESULT::::::::    avg: 33.9023(ms) for 1555 calls

Now in drools4 I'm getting the following:

== Drools Section (Generic Call) : With default context settings, no HotSpot - Drools 4
RESULT::::::::    avg: 37.4356(ms) for 1467 calls

As I increase the context's number I'm getting larger difference in results time.
Please note that HotSpot is disabled just for the test, to not JIT interference.

I've disabled all evals in the drl files, to all is left is pure Drools syntax and yet It seems that the system works slower.

Please suggest what else I should be doing to optimize the drl files to work efficiently with Drools 4 engine.

Thank you,

Maxim Veksler

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