
I have a class Customer.java with class variable "allTradeAmounts" and

I have two rules as follows:

rule "rule 1"
        $c : Customer();
       System.out.println("after modify: "+$c.getAllTradeAmounts());

rule "rule 2"
        $c : Customer(allTradeAmounts < 200 );
        System.out.println("AllTradeAmounts < 200 ");


The rule 1 works fine and changes the value of this variable.
My question is, although the rule 1 has changed the class variable and I can see the result of changed variable EACH TIME, when i insert a Customer object, why is the second rule TRUE? I have changed the value of AllTradeAmounts and I can print it in RHS and it is more than 200, but in LHS if I check with "allTradeAmounts < 200 " ,it is true.
It must be FALSE and does not fire the rule.
can someone help me? what do I do wrong in LHS.
In the same rule (rule 2) if I print the allTradeAmounts it is more than 200.
sorry it is a simple question, but I m new to drools.
Thanks and regards

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