Is there anyway to set a default ruleflow-group or a MAIN one so I can put rules without
ruleflow-group in the same drl as those with ruleflow-group defined and use a .rf where I define
a flow in the way that all rules without ruleflow-group (MAIN/DEFAULT) are fired and then a
specific ruleflow-group?

In this way could be not necessary to use session.startProcess("my_ruleflowgroup") in java, just
call fireAllRules() and design the process creating a RuleFlowGroup called/id as "MAIN".

Actually I can do this programatic, but I'm forced to put ruleflow-group in every rule... if I dont wanna to
group some rules in a specific ruleflow-group I have to call them as ruleflow-group "MAIN"... and I dont
wanna the business people to worry about flows when they write rules if they dont need to...

Felipe Piccolini M.