This is indeed a regression, due to the switch to "free form expressions" and the resulting changes in the parser. Originally (5.1.) there were the forms "*" (or "+*") and "-*" for  positive and negative infinity, respectively. (The converter in TimeUtils still handles these strings; it's DRLParser.g that needs to be fixed.) Omitting the 2nd operand in temporal operators as a workaround isn't possible where "-*" is intended as 1st operand.

Creeated JBRULES-3082


2011/6/13 Michael Anstis <>
Wouldn't you just use the single parameter form?

$order : DrugOrder((start != null && start before $now), (stop == null || stop after[-7d] $now))

I'm not the CEP expert though - I know we don't support "*" in Guvnor's guided editors though.

2011/6/13 Nathan Bell <>

In 5.1 this was valid syntax:


rule "OrderActiveInLast7Days"


                $order : DrugOrder((start != null && start before $now), (stop == null || stop after[-7d,*] $now))






In 5.2.0.CR1 it complains about the asterisk. Is that no longer supported?


The error I get is “no viable alternative at input '(' in rule "OrderActiveInLast7Days"”. If I remove the part of the constraint in brackets “[-7d,*]” then it compiles.



Thank You,


Nathan Bell



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