This is probably better asked on the LCDS mailing lists, as you correctly say you can just treat drools as any other java application.
What you will probably need to do is make sure you have all the drools jar you project depends on in the classpath of lcds, you may get away with putting
them in WEB-INF\lib.
This site appears to have some tutorials which may or may not help:
From: []
On Behalf Of Hafeez Ur Rehman
Sent: 14 April 2010 13:31
Subject: [rules-users] DRools with FLEX LCDS
I am trying out DRools and I want to integrate it with Flex LCDS. I have two projects
I know how to place compiled java classes in
LCDS\tomcat\webapps\lcds\WEB-INF\classes and call a method as remote method from Flex Prj's *.MXML file
Now considering DRools project to be actually a java application. I am trying to compile and place the the bin folder in LCDS\tomcat\webapps\lcds\WEB-INF\classes.
Issue (step-by-step):
I want to use DRools with LCDS. If there is a tutorial please direct me to that. My scenario might need both of the projects to be sent. which I can, please note.
My complete required tech stack is