Hi, i am not getting how to set that variable so that inner classes can use that. rather than using that i tried to print that rule in both of the events and i was surprised to know that those events are not fired. The last event handler gets executed and print the rules which are executed in the rule file but activationCreated and activationCanceled are not fired. Can you tell me what both events do? 

i assume that 1st one will add that rules to the list which gets execution and 2nd will remove that rule from the list which will not. and finally we can see that list that which rules get execution and which are not. Am i right or i am taking this wrong.              

LOG.info("Rules are fired");
ksession.addEventListener(new DefaultAgendaEventListener() {
   void activationCreated(ActivationCreatedEvent event) {
    LOG.info("I am in event activation created and" +
    "removed rule is"+ event.getActivation().getRule().getName() );
ksession.addEventListener(new DefaultAgendaEventListener() {
   void activationCancelled(ActivationCancelledEvent event) {
    LOG.info("I am in event activation cancelled and" +
    "removed rule is"+event.toString() );
       //myGlobal.add((Rule) event.getActivation().getRule());
ksession.addEventListener( new DefaultAgendaEventListener() {
   public void afterActivationFired(AfterActivationFiredEvent event) {
       super.afterActivationFired( event );
       System.out.println( event );


2010-10-14 14:25:08,077 INFO [main] com.navistar.dam.services.impl.AvailabilityMatrixServiceDroolesImpl - Before calling the function readKnowledgeBase
2010-10-14 14:25:08,078 INFO [main] com.navistar.dam.services.impl.AvailabilityMatrixServiceDroolesImpl - Rule file is loaded
2010-10-14 14:25:11,204 INFO [main] com.navistar.dam.services.impl.AvailabilityMatrixServiceDroolesImpl - Rule file added to the knowledgebuilder
2010-10-14 14:25:11,500 INFO [main] com.navistar.dam.services.impl.AvailabilityMatrixServiceDroolesImpl - After setting the gloabal map
2010-10-14 14:25:11,500 INFO [main] com.navistar.dam.services.impl.AvailabilityMatrixServiceDroolesImpl - Rule are added to the list named myGlobal
2010-10-14 14:25:11,524 INFO [main] com.navistar.dam.services.impl.AvailabilityMatrixServiceDroolesImpl - Rules are fired
I am in  2
==>[ActivationEventImpl: getActivation()=[Activation rule=FrontSuspension:Type|FrontAxle:Type, tuple=[fact 0:1:29477163:29477163:1:DEFAULT:com.navistar.dam.services.bo.Feature@1c1c92b]
[fact 0:2:6059828:6059828:2:DEFAULT:com.navistar.dam.services.bo.Feature@5c7734]
], getKnowledgeRuntime()=org.drools.impl.StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl@14e0e90]
These are compatible
==>[ActivationEventImpl: getActivation()=[Activation rule=FrontAxle:Capacity|FrontSuspension:Capacity, tuple=[fact 0:1:29477163:29477163:1:DEFAULT:com.navistar.dam.services.bo.Feature@1c1c92b]
[fact 0:2:6059828:6059828:2:DEFAULT:com.navistar.dam.services.bo.Feature@5c7734]
], getKnowledgeRuntime()=org.drools.impl.StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl@14e0e90]
2010-10-14 14:25:11,691 INFO [main] com.navistar.dam.services.impl.AvailabilityMatrixServiceDroolesImpl - Value inserted in Rule file in the HashMap [12.35]