Thanks for finding the cause Mario. �We'll be looking forward to the fix.
Hi Darin,
I've been just able to reproduce the bug you reported and opened a JIRA
ticket for it:
In particular the problem is in the evaluation of the constraint:
"value/predictedValue >= 0.7" where both value and predictedValue are fields
of your class AbstractDoubleFinding with the particularity that while the
first is a primitive double the second is of type Double.
For sure this is a bug and I am going to fix it, but as temporary workaround
I'd suggest you, if possible, to also declare predictedValue as a primitive
double in order of being sure that you won't have null values on it ... even
because I couldn't say if 0.0/null is less or greater than 0.7 ;)
Thanks for reporting this,
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