On 14.07.2011 19:43, Michael Anstis wrote:
IIRC, WAS's classloaders work in a different order to other containers.

I might be talking a load of baloney but I have a feeling this is the case.

I have another feeling you can configure this to be top-down or bottom-up or something along those lines. Might be worth a try.

If this is all found to be complete rubbish I'll visit my doctor about these feelings I keep getting ;)
Definitely true, WAS classloaders can be ... interesting .... at times :-)

Copying JARs into the WAS library folder often does more harm than it helps. I'd try the following:
- remove all JARs you copied into WAS lib folder
- deploy the WARs again and make sure you select the "PARENT LAST" classloader option during deployment
- if you're still getting class not founds, post the classname (and specify the WAS version you're using) and I'll see if I can help
CU, Joe