I am experimenting with the Guided Rule Editor in Eclipse, but I am unable to get a Guided Rule to parse.
I have created a Drools Project using the basic “Hello World” example for starters.  I’ve created a class called “Item” with 3 attributes – itemPrice (float), ItemNumber (int), and itemDescription (String) with getters/setters.  I do a “New-Drools-Guided Rule” to create a .brl file called “GuidedRule.brl” and get the “drools.package” created automatically.  In drools.package, I add “package com.sample;” and “import com.sample.Item;” and save it.
Then I go over to GuidedRule.brl and create a simple rule in the guided editor (this is the DRL view of it):
rule “GuidedRule”
dialect “mvel”
  item : Item()
  item.setItemDescription(“New Description”);
When I click “save” I get errors. 
On the Generated drl  (read only), I get two problems ->
BuildError: Unable to build expression for 'consequence': Failed to compile: 2 compilation error(s):
- (1,4) unqualified type in strict mode for: item
- (1,44) unable to resolve method using strict-mode: java.lang.Object.setItemDescription(java.lang.String) '           item.setItemDescription( "New Description" );'
On the brl source view, I get an error at the <attributes> -> BuildError: Unable to resolve ObjectType 'Item'
It seems to not be able to see my class, which is public, belonging to the same package, and included as an import in drools.package.  I can get the rule to work if I don’t reference Item (simple “eval(true)” in the LHS, for example)….
I am running Drools 5.1.1 on Eclipse 3.5.
Am I overlooking something simple here?