Really, it’s not my code so I don’t know way :( and looking for $cm, I found it seems to be already an int!




Da: [] Per conto di Wolfgang Laun
Inviato: marted� 17 maggio 2011 11:43
A: Rules Users List
Oggetto: Re: [rules-users] Cast error message and DSL


It seems that $cm is of type "int". And this just can't be cast to java.lang.Integer.

There are several ways for creating an Integer from an int, but why do you do the cast at all?


On 17 May 2011 10:42, Giorgio Spagnardi <> wrote:

Hi to all,
I used the business rule guided editor to write a new rule. I'm verifying
the wrtitten rule but Guvnor returns the error message:
[MyRule] Unable to build expression for 'consequence': [Error: unable to
cast type: int; to: class java.lang.Integer] [Near : {...
tValue()));drools.update($sa); ....}]                      ^
[Line: 1, Column: 67] '         $sa.setBonusEsclusivo(percentuale(25,

In DSL there is: [consequence][] Assign customer bonus of {num} percent=

I didn't find a similiar error message....
Thanks in advance,

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