It depends if your research involves sensitive/proprietary information or not. If there is no sensitive information, go ahead and send to the list. We are always interested in hearing about use cases. If it involves proprietary information, then you may mail me and the other developers directly. We do not disclose information if you ask us not to, but we always like to know the kind of use cases Drools is being used in. Helps us drive the product development in directions that will benefit the community and the project as a whole.


2008/9/12 Michael Zimmermann <>

Edson Tirelli wrote:
>    Drools 5 is not production ready yet, specially because we are still
> working in the new major features like CEP and processes, but the 4.x
> equivalent features all work.

Sound promising. I guess I will give Drools 5 a spin next week.
Especially the configurabiliy options for custom operators, template
support  and drools solver sounds really intersting.

> Also, if your research project is not expected
> to be final in the next month or so, by the time you finish your project
> we will have Drools 5 final out.

Well, not next month but time is running short so that major
architectural changes are not really the best idea since sliced bread :-)

>    BTW, can you talk about about the subject of your research?

Sure, yet should we better take this off-list?

cu, Michael
rules-users mailing list

Edson Tirelli
JBoss Drools Core Development
JBoss, a division of Red Hat @