Whoops, yes that worked. Thanks!

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 10:23 PM, Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun@gmail.com> wrote:
You might try to write the condition as
   loanAmount <= $param


On 14/08/2013, Atul Bhatia <agbhatia@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am looking to use drools decision tables for a project. I want to add a
> condition where I verify that the value of a passed in object is less than
> a specified number. I want the decision table to look something like:
> http://imgur.com/gf1Twb4
> If you look at the third condition where I am checking the max size of the
> loan, I am calling a function: $t.getStandardLimit($n).
> Unfortunately, I am unable to call the function inside the value cells with
> that syntax (drools reads it as a string and returns a syntax error). Is
> there a way to do this?
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