Anyone have any ideas on this?


I have some new information: just to check if my preemptive authentication configuration in settings.xml worked at all, I set my KIE module as a dependency on a project and used command line Maven 3.2.1 to compile. It successfully authenticated with the Workbench Maven repository and downloaded the module into my local Maven repository. I had Fiddler log the HTTP requests and saw that the requests to the Workbench repo had the basic authentication request header, as I expected. So any ideas on why the request generated by the API (Aether?) wouldn’t have this header? It seems like it’s not picking up the preemptive authentication settings.






From: Patel, Ronak (Autonomy)
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 5:01 PM
Subject: HTTP 401 Unauthorized when using KIE API on Workbench M2 repository


I’m having trouble authenticating to access the Workbench Maven repository through the KIE API (kie-ci). My code is the following and fails on the second line with an exception that says something like module not found. I see the more specific 401 error in the local Maven repository in the file.


  KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();

  KieContainer kContainer = ks.newKieContainer(ks.newReleaseId("", "realestate", "LATEST"));


I’ve tried putting in my settings.xml file both suggestions in (also saw the preemptive one in and other threads/forums and bug reports), but I continue to get the same error.


I did some further investigation using Fiddler and I see that the credentials are not being included in the HTTP request the code sends for resources in the Workbench Maven repository. I was expecting the basic authentication header to be in here. The HTTP request always looks like this (server name changed for security reasons):


GET http://kiewbserver:8080/kie-drools-wb/maven2/com/hp/pa/sample/realestate/maven-metadata.xml HTTP/1.1

Host: kiewbserver:8080

Pragma: no-cache

Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store

Accept-Encoding: gzip

Connection: keep-alive

Connection: keep-alive

Accept: */*

User-Agent: Aether


And the response is a typical HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized with the standard JBoss error page as the body. Using the composer feature in Fiddler, if I issue this same request with the basic authentication header included, it works, returning an HTTP 200 response with the requested file.


If I remove the authentication requirement from the Maven repository using the workaround described in bug 1059584 (referenced above), all my code works fine.


I followed the procedure to create a user for the Workbench on JBoss AS that is demonstrated in the start of this video: That’s the user whose credentials I’ve tried putting in my settings.xml. Is there anything else that needs to be done on the server side?


Any other ideas on what I may have missed or how to debug this further?


Thank you,


Ronak Patel
Software Designer
HP Autonomy