Hello Edson,
Ok, it's clear now.
I'll try my first attempt with the new 5.1M2 version.
Thank you very much !
Best regards,
Xavier (and others),First, let me explain the problem: the temporal distance algorithm in 5.0.1 was not taking sliding windows into consideration when calculating the expiration offset for the objects. So, even declaring a 60s sliding window, the engine thought your expiration offset was 0s, and was expiring them right away. When using "after", then engine correctly evaluates the expiration offset and the problem does not happen.There was a workaround (although for your case using "after" IMO) that is to explicit declare an expiration offset:declare Operation
@timestamp(date)@expires( 60s )
This is fixed in 5.1M2 and now the engine does take sliding windows into consideration.In your case, though, using temporal operators like "after" is probably semantically better. Sliding windows are useful when used with accumulate/collect. For instance, if you want to count how many operations the user did in the last 60 seconds:Number( $count : intValue ) from accumulate(Operation() from entry-point "OperationStream",count(1) )Sorry for the late answer... I was offline during the last couple weeks.Wolfgang, loved your new terminology: pseudo-too-old, pseudo-too-late. :)Edson2010/5/27 Xavier Coulon <xcoulon@gmail.com>
Hello again,
I'm back on my problem and a colleague of mime suggested me the following rule instead :$operation1 : Operation($ipAddress1 : ipAddress)
# declare events
declare Operation
rule "overActivity"
dialect "mvel"
#condition : 2 operation in less than 1 minute
from entry-point "OperationStream"
$operation2 : Operation(this != $operation1, ipAddress == $ipAddress1,
this after[ 0s,30s ] $operation1) from entry-point "OperationStream"
System.out.println("over-active user " + $ipAddress1 );
It works, and the main difference is the use of after[] instead of window:time()
Is it because the window:time() was used outside of an accumulate() function ?
I'd just like to understand this.
If anyone can take a few minutes to answer, thank you in advance
Best regards,
Xavier--On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 10:08 AM, Xavier Coulon <xcoulon@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Wolfgang,
sorry, I wasn't available yesterday.
I just followed your instructions:
Here's my test method now :
public void testActivity() throws IOException, ParseException,
InterruptedException {
// parse the log file
Resource logFile = new ClassPathResource(
// converter and inject tracks in the session,
List<String> logLines = FileUtils.readLines(logFile.getFile(),
LOGGER.info("loading events");Operation previousOperation = null;
// load events from stream
for (String logLine : logLines) {
Operation operation = LineConverterUtil.getOperation(logLine);
Assert.assertFalse("Current operation equals() previous one",previousOperation = operation;
Assert.assertFalse("Current operation == previous one",
operation == previousOperation);
LOGGER.debug("Moving clock from "
+ (new Date(clock.getCurrentTime())).toString() + " to "
+ operation.getDate());
- clock.getCurrentTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// clock.advanceTime(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
LOGGER.debug("Inserting " + operation);session.fireAllRules();
FactHandle operationHandle = entryPoint.insert(operation);
LOGGER.debug("Insertion done: " +
LOGGER.info("done with events");
// check...
Assert.assertTrue("Rule not fired...", listener
And the logs in the console :Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|INFO ||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|loading
Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Moving
clock from Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 CET 1970 to Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010Console> 2010-05-19
09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Inserting Operation
[date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1, hostname=server1,Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|WARN
ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0, responseSize=0]
||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectInserted|Object inserted: [eventConsole> 2010-05-19
fid:1:1:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1,
hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0,
09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Insertion done: [event
fid:1:1:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1,Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Moving
hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0,
clock from Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010 to Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010Console> 2010-05-19
09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Inserting Operation
[date=Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010, executionTime=164, hostname=server1,Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|WARN
ipAddress=, operation=CONSULTATION, requestSize=1299,
||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectRetracted|Object retracted:Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|WARN
[event fid:1:1:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010,
executionTime=1, hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null,
requestSize=0, responseSize=0]]
||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectInserted|Object inserted: [eventConsole> 2010-05-19
fid:2:2:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010, executionTime=164,
hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=CONSULTATION,
requestSize=1299, responseSize=895]]
09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Insertion done: [event
fid:2:2:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010, executionTime=164,Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Moving
hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=CONSULTATION,
requestSize=1299, responseSize=895]]
clock from Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010 to Fri Apr 30 18:28:47 CEST 2010Console> 2010-05-19
09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Inserting Operation
[date=Fri Apr 30 18:28:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1, hostname=server1,Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|WARN
ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0, responseSize=0]
||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectRetracted|Object retracted:Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|WARN
[event fid:2:2:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010,
executionTime=164, hostname=server1, ipAddress=,
operation=CONSULTATION, requestSize=1299, responseSize=895]]
||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectInserted|Object inserted: [eventConsole> 2010-05-19
fid:3:3:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:28:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1,
hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0,
09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Insertion done: [event
fid:3:3:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:28:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1,Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|INFO ||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|done
hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0,
with events
Strangely, the first operation is retracted when the second one is inserted,
yet, they are not equals()...
View this message in context: http://drools-java-rules-engine.46999.n3.nabble.com/Drools-Fusion-Can-t-detect-2-occurrences-with-sliding-window-tp823141p828505.html
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Edson Tirelli
JBoss Drools Core Development
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