David Boaz wrote:
Thanks Mark,

The post bellow doesn't deal with the event listener registration. Assuming
the registration was solved, now I have another issue. How to retrieve the
Facts given Fact-handles? In a stateless session, I have no access to the
working memory.
If you are using StatefulKnowledgeSession. Then the Activation has
    Collection< ? extends FactHandle> getFactHandles();

And the KnowledgeRuntime is always available, which extends the WorkingMemory.


Mark Proctor wrote:
David Boaz wrote:
Hi all,

Im trying to listen to the events fired during the evaluation of a
session. I implemented org.drools.event.rule.AgendaEventListener. The
fire as expected. From the event I can extract the Activation, the Rule
the list of FactHandles. Now, from each FactHandle I want to retrieve the
associated fact (Object). For that, I need a WorkingMemory. But the WM
doesn't participate in the event signature. In addition, since Im using a
stateless session, the working memory does not exist until I execute()

Can you please help?
The event listeners don't work in the last release, this is fixed in 
trunk, please give it a try in a snapshot:
Thanks, David
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