see javadoc of org.drools.runtime.process.ProcessRuntime.getProcessInstances():
Returns a collection of currently active process instances. Note
that only process
instances that are currently loaded and active inside the engine will be
When using persistence, it is likely not all running process instances
will be loaded
as their state will be stored persistently. It is recommended not
to use this
method to collect information about the state of your process instances
but to use
a history log for that purpose.
If no instance is loaded yet, that this behaviour is exactly as described.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen/Best regards
i. A.
Stephan Koops
Software Engineer
We4IT GmbH
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Anderson Neves <>
Rules Users List <>
30.03.2011 05:34
[rules-users] FAIL - getProcessInstances()
from persisted StatefulKnowledgeSession
Hi everybody.
I configured the session persistence and persisted an instantiated process.
When I get the session from the database and use the method getProcessInstances(),
it returns an empty collection. But, when I call getProcessInstance(1),
and 1 is the InstanceId of the ProcessInstanceInfo (table that contains
the process instance), I get the correct process instance. Is this a bug?
See the code below.