Talking about new features to be included in the new
release, I think the most compelling might be the ability to use Maps as facts
(ie, from the point of view of a complete DROOLS newbie). Technically POJO is a
Map with some restricted functionality (can’t count properties, check for
property existence, etc). Is it really a big change? The rule formulation will
remain the same from what I understand and the LHS like
== ‘myName’)
Will simply mean any map object which has a key ‘name’
and value for the key is ‘myName’. The ‘type matching’ feature
would be kind of less useful in case Map fact is used, but this can probably
solved through introducing some default ‘type’ key which Map object
should have and in a very simplistic implementation just include ‘type’
as a constraint.
Another alternative (which might probably be more ‘backward
compatible’ with existing implementation) is to dynamically generate
POJOs from Map definition. ‘type’ or ‘class’ key will
correspond to a full qualified class name, all other keys found in the map –
POJOs properties. Or ‘type’ can stay ‘anonymous’ –
might be useful in some cases as well….
The ‘weakly defined’ fact objects might be quite
useful in some cases, eg when rules ‘cross cut’ business domain.
Kind of ‘dynamic rules’ J.