Assuming you simply mean a web application, and not EJB too then use of a StatelessKnowledgeSession per HTTP request offers the best scalability.

You can create the KnowledgeBase in a variety of standard ways; ServletContextListener, @Singleton etc but your goal would be to create a singleton instance of your KnowledgeBase.

If you mean to include EJB too then a SLSB can be used to handle interaction with your StatelessKnowledgeSession.

If you need StatefulKnowledgeSessions then keeping then in HTTP session scope is an option.

If you can use other Java web-frameworks, seam, spring etc then AFAIK your options become wider.

With kind regards,


2011/4/29 Abhay B. Chaware <>


I have a simple j2ee web app and would like to make use of drools in it. What’s the best way for me to implement this ?



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