
I could try to test on ServiceMix 5 that embeds Karaf  2.3.4, but for my concrete project, the customer current platform uses a ServiceMix 4.5.3 which is not really possible to change today while many other modules are already deployed.

Did you try in your environment the test project that I attached yesterday ? There is a rule in the project with an "accumulate" that generates java code that is not compiled because of missing indirect dependancy despite of the Import-Package that I've copied from your examples. Hence my idea of a "proxy" classloader between Drools and its compiler and the classloader provided by the application bundle, and avoid the dynamic import that breaks the good practices...

2014-05-21 11:48 GMT+02:00 Charles Moulliard <ch007m@gmail.com>:
If you look to my example posted previously there are no issues. Can you make a test using just Apache Karaf 2.3.x with Drools 6.1.0.Beta3 and tell me what happen. Which JDK do you sue ?

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 9:03 AM, Ephemeris Lappis <ephemeris.lappis@gmail.com> wrote:

Although without much conviction, I've tried the
"Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.7", but it doesn't change the
compilation level of the rules...

As I said in a previous answer, I don't know exactly how to do it, but I
think the solution may be in the way that Drools takes the classloader
passed by the application to have access to specific classes like the
usually imported beans used in the rules. Indeed, perhaps that instead of
using directly this classloader, for its tasks, among of them the rules
compilation, it should be possible to use some kind of enriched classloader
that carries all the Drools needed packages, and delegates application
classes resolution to the application's one.

What do you think of that ?


View this message in context: http://drools.46999.n3.nabble.com/Rules-compilation-error-with-OSGi-integration-6-1-0-Beta3-tp4029601p4029635.html
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Charles Moulliard
Apache Committer / Architect @RedHat
Twitter : @cmoulliard | Blog :  http://cmoulliard.github.io

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