The problem you are facing is that the Drools engine by default is a passive component, meaning that you should tell it when to start executing.  For example, you usually want to insert all your data before executing the rules.  The same is also valid for timers: they don't just fire.  But you can make the engine active by having it execute any action automatically until someone halts the engine using fireUntilHalt().  Note that this uses the calling thread until halt so best to start this in a separate thread, something like this:

new Thread(new Runnable() {
  public void run() {


----- Original Message -----
From: Cristiano Gavi�o
To: Rules Users List
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Timer isn't firing

It is so strange...

I could run this test with no errors, but I can't get any of my process completed if diagram has a timer...

Ok, I'll sent to you my project.


On 02/03/2009, at 11:19, Kris Verlaenen wrote:


There are some examples on processes using timers here:

If you need help, could you maybe send me the test project you are trying to execute, so I can take a look?


----- Original Message -----
From: Cristiano Gavi�o
To: Rules Users List
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 2:34 AM
Subject: [rules-users] Timer isn't firing


I've created a simple process flow with a start node followed by a timer (with delay = 1 and period = 0), an workitem node, and an end node.

Its simple but isn't working properly. The problem is that process isn't getting out from the timer node. Nothing happens...

Its something more needed to get timer working?

This is the output generated:

BEFORE RULEFLOW STARTED process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]
BEFORE RULEFLOW NODE TRIGGERED node:Start[id=20] process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]
null process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]
BEFORE RULEFLOW NODE TRIGGERED node:Timer[id=19] process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]
AFTER RULEFLOW NODE TRIGGERED node:Timer[id=19] process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]
null process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]
AFTER RULEFLOW NODE TRIGGERED node:Start[id=20] process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]
AFTER RULEFLOW STARTED process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]

thanks in advance

Cristiano V. Gavi�o

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Cristiano Gavi�o

"O �nico lugar onde o sucesso vem antes do trabalho � no dicion�rio." Albert Einstein

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