i'm new to use a drools-fusion, i've a next lhs condition in rule:
        $o: Order(status!="EU_C_R1_INIT")
        SystemConfig(value:value) from hbnSession.createQuery("from SystemConfig where name=:name").setString("name","nRicMax").uniqueResult()
        $nRic : Number(intValue  < value) from accumulate($n: Order(this==$o) over window:time(1d),count($n))
1) Order 1 date 28 aug 2009 EU_C_INIT
2) Order 1 date 31 aug 2009 EU_A_INIT
3) Order 1 date 31 aug 2009 EU_B_INIT
4) Order 1 date 30 aug 2009 EU_B_INIT
5) Order 1 date 28 aug 2009 EU_A_INIT
6) Order 1 date 01 aug 2009 EU_A_INIT
7) Order 1 date 28 aug 2009 EU_C_INIT
8) Order 1 date 28 aug 2009 EU_C_INIT

Only the first condition is verified [  Order(status!="EU_C_R1_INIT") ] altough there are facts that verify Order(this==$o) over window:time(24h) ]
There are n-k facts that don't verify a previous condition but them come count also:
I espect that drools count a 2-3-4 but it count also 5-6-7: i'm confused
P.S. i did set a stream mode, i' had set a timestamp attribute in event fact @timestamp(myTimestampLong), i tried with pseudo clock (making it advance for new Date().getTime() or at origin, therefore 01 jan 1970 [without event @timestamp attribute] )