
We are in the process of evaluating JBOSS Drools for our software and so far Drools found to be a perfect match for most of our requirements.

Recently our customer has requested for a very interesting and important requirement and its synopysis is given below

       Condition 1 / Condition Group 1    (assoicated weightage is 20)
       Condition 2 / Condition Group 2    (assoicated weightage is 50)
       Condition 3 / Condition Group 3    (assoicated weightage is 30)

       Rule Action / Output

While calling the Rule Engine, the Rule Engine client will say "Give me all the Rule Output for the Rules matching 50% of the LHS"

            i.e. We need to know the percentage of LHS match in the RHS
            Using this percentage, we will call the Rule Action / Output
if Condition 2 / Condition Group 2  and Condition 1 / Condition Group 1 are satisfied, then we need to have 70% (50% + 20%) match in the RHS.

Thanks a lot for your help and time.
Waleed Zedan