You should really consider creating a proper fact class for your fact, instead of using maps... rules will not be clear using maps.
Anyway, I did not tested, but the following should work in case you really want to use the maps, but again, it is a good practice:
$map : Map()
Number( $t1: intValue ) from accumulate(
Map.Entry( key in ("301", "302, "303"), $v : value ) from $map.entrySet(),
sum( $v ) )
Number( $t2: intValue > 0 ) from accumulate(
Map.Entry( key in ("301", "302, "303"), $v : value > 0 ) from $map.entrySet(),
count( $v ) )
eval( ( $t1/$t2 > 1 ) && ($t1/$t2 < 10 ) )
2008/4/9 Gerald Cantor <>:
I have a Map in working memory. The Map has Strings as keys and Integers as
values. It has 7 keys (REG301, REG302, ... REG307). I'm looking for a way to
incorporate the following into the LHS of a rule:
For keys 301, 302, 303, compute the total of the Integer values (total 1)
For keys 301, 302, 303, compute the number of keys that have greater than 0
values (total 2)
Divide total 1 by total 2 (if total 2 > 0) and check against a range
For keys 304, 305, 306, 307, compute the total of the Integer values (total
For keys 304, 305, 306, 307, compute the number of keys that have greater
than 0 values (total 4)
Divide total 3 by total 4 (if total 4 > 0) and check against a range
I have not seen a way to collect / sum over select Map elements.
Any insight as to how I would compute the above totals using collect / sum
would be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
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