

I want to upgrade my process instances using WorkflowProcessInstanceUpgrader. To trigger the upgrade after any change I wanted to listen for changes completed by ResourceChangeScanner. To listen the completion of changes I was looking to configure KnowledgeBaseEventListener. I have drools-spring-integration in place which uses drools-spring.xsd to configure beans and event listeners. I am getting KBase and Ksession from spring. I was trying to register my KnowledgeBaseEventListener  in my spring configurations. But, The issue is that drools-spring.xsd only registers 3 kind of listeners

1.       ProcessEventListener

2.       AgendaEventListener

3.       WorkingMemoryEventListener


Solution Required :

1.       I need to know how to configure the KnowledgeBaseEventListener in my spring configurations ?

Example for ksession we have following config to register listeners.


                     <drools:ksession id="knowledgeSession" type="stateful" kbase="knowledgeBase">

                            <drools:agendaEventListener ref="agendaEventListener"/>

                            <drools:workingMemoryEventListener ref="wmEventListener"/>



2.       Is this the best place to trigger a batch process upgrade ? From within the KBaseEventListener ?

3.       Shall I add KBaseEventListener using knowledgebase.addEventListener() ?



1.       Drools-5.5.0.Final

a.       Guvnor

b.      Jbpm