Hi everybody.
I Have a flow : [Start] -> [First_HumanTask] -> Split -> [Second_HumanTask] or [End].
Someday i had asked about why my flow was stopped (See [droolsflow ] Flow is Stoped) . Kris Verlaenem, told to me to use https://hudson.jboss.org/hudson/job/drools/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/trunk/target/docs/drools-flow/html/ch03.html#d0e1118 .
I Created on my Split node this contraint:
processInstance : WorkflowProcessInstance()
ticketBeanVar : TicketBean( id == ( processInstance.getVariable("ticketId") ) )
eval(ticketBeanVar.isApproved() == true)
This works for the first instance (I finished the [First_HumanTask] , and he was going to SecondHumanTask), but for the second instance, after i complete the [First_HumanTask] , the flow stayed stopped (only for the second instance). ( If i Change, first the second instance and then first instance occurred the same problem (The first instance stayed stopped) )
What's wrong?