On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Daniel Hinojosa <dhinojosa@evolutionnext.com> wrote:
If I am put my 5 cents (inflation).  My personal default is (PERSIST, MERGE, REFRESH) and in the circumstance that I need to put a DELETE then I would if necessary.  I assume beginner Seam developers would absolutely freak if they saw a detached entity exceptions when they first use Seam's reveng.

Thanks for reminding me of the DELETE use case Dan. No question that is the most important one, even more than PERSIST.

I pretend that MERGE doesn't exist because I personally I detest it. REFRESH makes sense, though few new comers would run into it. Perhaps we can go with



Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action


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