On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 10:23 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen <max.andersen@redhat.com> wrote:
I should also be able to do some testing with it this morning.  I have been
focusing on AS 5 integration testing so if it would be helpful I can test
with that, and Jozef can test with JBoss 4.2.3.

We have had zero time for AS 5 testing besides that we can start/stop it; but
we would very much like to hear if something fails there (besides what
JBoss 5 itself causes ;)

I'll give it a shot with AS 5.  Jozef will use JBoss 4.2.3



On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 2:57 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen <
max.andersen@redhat.com> wrote:

Hi Jay,

Did you run it against JBossTools 3.x or JBDS 1.1 ?

Any open urgent issues you know about would be nice to know since we are 2
weeks away from 3 beta1 release.


 Testing status for Seam 2.1.0.GA testing on windows XP.

JDK 6, AS 5 CR2
itext - good
drools - good
seam-gen ear
  - amazingly slow
  - part of it was ajax4jsf logging below (but not all of it - need to
this changed to trace).
org.ajax4jsf.io.parser.FastHtmlParser] (http- Parser
reached state is StateManager.DOCTYPE

JDK 5, AS 5 CR2
booking - good
excel    - good
seam-gen war  - failed with war deployment error.

testsuite - 1 fail - testPayMultiple
 - java.lang.AssertionError




blog: http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/Jay