Hi Jason,All

April 30th is ok for me except that I won't provide a minor release. There will be a lot of new features and an API refactoring in Social.
Regarding the examples I could provide something better than the "contentieux" application. I worked with Antonio Goncalves (leader of Paris Jug and Java Champion) and others on a Java EE 6 petstore : https://github.com/agoncal/agoncal-application-petstore-ee6. It is a pure Java EE application but I could fork it to integrate Seam in it and also build an EAR version...
But I'm not sure to have enough time to do this for April 30th : I have 3 talks on Devoxx France and it eats me a lot of time. Help would be welcome, especially on the front.


Blog : http://www.next-presso.fr
Twitter ; http://twitter.com/antoine_sd
LinkedIn : http://fr.linkedin.com/in/antoinesabotdurand
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Le 26 mars 2012 à 22:36, Jason Porter a écrit :

I know I've said in the past we need to get on a date for this :) Here I am doing that now. I would like to propose April 30th for 3.1.1. This would be a minor release addressing bugs, documentation and examples.

I know I blogged [1] about some additional examples so I think we have those covered. We may not distribute them, but simple have them in a README or something like that. Of course I'm open to other ideas here.

For bugs and documentation I'm looking for some help from all of you to categorize issues and documentation spots we really need to focus on correcting and improving. Does everyone feel like Friday would be enough time for people get that list in, or should we extend it to next Wednesday? I don't want to go too long and not have enough time to get things done.

[1] https://community.jboss.org/blogs/lightguardjp/2012/02/24/seam-3-examples
Jason Porter

Software Engineer
Open Source Advocate
Author of Seam Catch - Next Generation Java Exception Handling

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