This took quite a lot of messing around in Seam's distribution build thanks to Maven's lack of support for multi-module projects.  To point you in the right direction, take a look at:

Down near the end of the pom you'll find this plugin configuration:

            &! lt;groupId >org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
       ! ; &nb sp;      <execution>
&nbs p;                    <goal>unpack-dependencies</goal>
                     <includeArtifactIds>seam-face s-api,seam-international-api,seam-jcr-api,seam-jms-api,seam-mail-api,seam-persistence-api,seam-remoting,seam-reports-api,seam-rest-api,seam-security-api,seam-social-api,seam-social,seam-transaction-api,seam-validation-api,solder-api</includeArtifactIds>
And a little further down you'll find this:

            <artifa! ctId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
     &nb! sp; & nbsp;             
!  &nbs p;       </plugin>

What the first bit does is essentially unpacks the entire source tree for all Seam modules into a single directory structure.  The second bit runs the javadoc plugin over this unpacked source code, creating the "consolidated" javadocs for the entire project.  It's a little convoluted however there didn't seem to be any easier way to do this.


On 11/10/12 08:14, Ivan St. Ivanov wrote:

I am Ivan and I am contributing to the JBoss Forge project. Right now I am working on a task to build tool's javadoc (and sources as well) and aggregate them in a couple of archives.

I did some experiments, but at the end the build used to create too much garbage in the project directories. So I was advised by one of our core committers (George Gastaldi) to look at the Seam 3 build.

I checked it and found that the following projects have some javadoc configurations:

dist / seam

I merely copied the configurations from the respective pom.xml files. And when ran the Forge build, I got the javadocs (and sources) built for each of our modules, but didn't find any big aggregate archive anywhere.

Could you please tell me, do I miss anything? Which are actually the seam modules and projects that I should look at?


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