2010/4/3 Marcin Zajączkowski <mszpak@wp.pl>

I'm the author of Seam-Per4j [1] (an add-on which allows to use Perf4j
from applications using Seam) and I would like to put it into central
Maven repository. I've found a nice guide [2], but one of the
requirements is to have all dependency already available in the central
repository. JBoss Seam is not there.

Do you plan to put JBoss Seam into central Maven repository (or rather
what problems caused that it haven't been put it there)?

[1] - http://seam-perf4j.sourceforge.net/
[2] -

Actually, the proper guide is here:


Many of the newer JBoss Community projects, such as Weld, Seam 3, ShrinkWrap, Arquillian, now publish to the Maven central repository by default. Committing to this from the beginning makes it a much more reasonable goal.

Going back to Seam 2 and trying to sync to central is much more difficult in comparison because Seam's dependencies are already established and a good portion of them are not in the central repository. If there were a community initiative to ensure all Seam 2 artifacts are in Maven central, then I would be willing to say that we'd publish Seam 2 to Maven central. Do keep in mind, though, that every dependency must be in central for us to be permitted (by the Sonatype policy) to put Seam 2 in central (no external repositories allowed).

Here's the publishing information for Weld, for reference: http://seamframework.org/Weld/WeldReleasesGettingStarted

Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597
