Aside from the ideological REST concerns, one of the more pragmatic things that I was hoping to get out of an integration with RESTEasy is a simple way to invoke AJAX/JSon requests from the browser that are implemented using RESTEasy.  <your favorite AJAX library> allows you to easily read a remote JSon object (GET) or create a JSon object in the browser and send it across the wire (POST).  RESTEasy makes processing those JSon requests a snap. 

I'm not quite sure how that fits into JSF and Seam, but that's where I see the biggest win for RESTEasy in web development. 


On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Dan Allen <> wrote:

I am working on Seam+RESTEasy integration as a part of my university thesis. I am focusing more on new features rather than bug fixing as this is more interesting for university however I was fixing some bugs as well. The plan is to implement following things:
       * REST API for application framework - I am working on a component that exposes CRUD API to manipulate database entities (using Seam's home and query components)- I have some working prototypes already, working on details now.
       * Exception mapping in pages.xml
       * Facelets XHTML mapping
Furthermore, I am planning on creating a sample application demonstrating Seam+RESTEasy integration. It will be a simple todo app exposing REST API.

Jozef, while you are thinking about how to expand this integration, could you record some thoughts about how JSF might leverage REST. One of the features that has been long requested of JSF is that it support REST. The problem is, we have to first figure out what that even means. Maybe it isn't even relevant. Either way, if there is a sensible integration, we (Red Hat) want to be the ones that figure it out and propose it to the JSF EG for JSF 2.1.

It may well be that the JSF REST merely consists of defining mappings in the PDL (i.e., Facelets).

If anyone else has any thoughts, feel free to share them.


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action

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