On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Christian Bauer <christian.bauer@gmail.com> wrote:

On Jun 01, 2009, at 19:51 , Sanne Grinovero wrote:

right about the load and optimized code, but if I run the "YSlow"

I actually first had a paragraph in my e-mail saying "Please, no Yahoo website tips". :) I'm aware of all of this stuff and of course we've done already whatever makes sense and was easily doable. The website does NOT have many resources that are loaded with a warm cache. In fact, only the SeamResourceServlet files are loaded over and over again (remote.js particularly bad). Which is why we need conditional GET function for it.

I have no doubt you have put significant effort into understanding the performance of the website. But there is a new development in the area of performance. Google recently released the Page Speed plugin for Firebug, which I think it's worth pointing at the site to see if there are any new optimizations we can discover. Also, it appears that RichFaces is very guilty in terms of missing the cache and should certainly be discussed at the upcoming meeting in Brno.


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action


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