Hi team,
We've now announced the release of Seam 3.1 Final:
There were a few minor hiccups with building the distribution which
delayed the release for a few days, however I'm happy to say we
eventually got them sorted out. I'd like to thank everyone involved
with this release, it's quite a solid upgrade with 6 new modules and
well over 200 bugs fixed since Seam 3.0.
As for what comes next, we plan to do a Seam 3.1.1 release in a
couple of months. This will be a stop-gap release to address any
bug fixes with the 3.1 release and/or give us a chance to implement
any outstanding feature requests. After this, I imagine that
DeltaSpike will have at least a complete-ish release of
deltaspike-core and we should be able to concentrate our efforts
going forward on migrating our modules to DS. With this in mind, if
you have any fixes that you would like to include in 3.1.1, please
add this version to your module in JIRA (or ask Jason or I to do it)
so we can keep track of it.