On  Sep 25, 2008, at 09:17, Jay Balunas wrote:

 - This was not a large % of the blocked threads but caught my eye as a potential trouble spot because it seemed directly related to ajax calls.
 - This was easier to track down and the root cause is in the org.ajax4jsf.application.ViewHandlerWrapper class.
 - see http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/richfaces/trunk/framework/api/src/main/java/org/ajax4jsf/application/ViewHandlerWrapper.java
 - The problem is all the calls to "fillChain" which is a synchronized method in the class.
 - We need to find out how often the "_initialized" field is false - is this once a request, once for each component, etc...
 - it appears to be called many times - I will look further into this.

I will raise this the richfaces dev guys, and see what can be done.

Using the double check lock pattern with a volatile should make things better. It has to be done right though :)