On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 4:02 AM, Jason Porter <lightguard.jp@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks John, some questions inline though.

On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 20:59, John D. Ament <john.d.ament@gmail.com> wrote:

We are having a Seam Hackfest night on July 14, I think starting around 6pm eastern.  The target module for this hackfest is Seam JCR.  We've identified a few pieces of functionality that we want to cover:

1. OCM support (binding POJO's to JCR Nodes, ala hibernate)

Is a working knowledge of Modeshape or Jackrabbit needed for this? If so, what's the best way to quickly get up to speed?

Some JCR knowledge would help, but is not mandatory.  The OCM feature in particular is closer to hibernate, and would be an encapsulation on top of the existing APIs.
Jackrabbit's first hops should give a decent feeling for the tooling: http://jackrabbit.apache.org/first-hops.html
ModeShape's getting started guide as well: http://docs.jboss.org/modeshape/2.5.0.Final/manuals/gettingstarted/html_single/getting-started-en.html
2. Security integration for managing credentials used within JCR implementations.

Will this be part of the JCR module or Security? I'm also assuming this will be done using pickellink apis, correct?

JCR Module, with an integration in to seam security potentially. 
3. Seam Catch integration for handling exceptions.

There's one I'm skipping for now, which requires us to have a CDI managed entity listener.  This is a proposed JPA 2.1 feature, but not available in the persistence module.

If anyone's interested, we would love the support.

Are there any bugs or JIRA tickets that we could also focus on? This kind of thing would make for great twitter fodder (we'll make sure to retweet from the jbossseam account as well).

There are JIRAs for these things, and I'll probably be breaking down further to more manageable tasks.

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Jason Porter

Software Engineer
Open Source Advocate
Author of Seam Catch - Next Generation Java Exception Handling

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