I don't have anything for this week's meeting, but I will be online if people have things to discuss.
I am also looking for people to help migrate [1] to [2] to help our migration efforts. It seems like we're pretty much using textile for the markup language in the wiki. You can clone the repo by using instructions at [3]. I haven't received any pull requests yet, so I don't exactly know how that will work, but I'd like to find out ;)
I have also posted a forum question [3] to see where the community would like the next few Seam 3 releases to go. I haven't had a lot of feedback however. I'm not sure if that's because people are no longer interested in Seam 3, they've just given up, or some other reason. As it currently stands we'll be doing documentation, examples (please, if you have docs you would like to see updated or examples to contribute send us some pull requests) and minor bug fixes.
As always, thank you all for your help and support!